Friday, November 07, 2008

Genn - UM Marching Band

This is just a quick post. I promise to follow up with all the pictures and video soon. I went to visit Genn in Missoula (Shelli and Ben too). I watched Genn and the University of Montana Marching Band practice and then perform on Saturday 11-1-08 at the game against Northern Arizona.
Above: Genn coming off the field at half-time.
Below: Mum & Genn

Miss Genn in all of her cuteness!

The UM Marching Band - Marching to the statium.

Genn is on the cymbals in the middle.

The Grizzlies won 45 to 10!


Shelli Martineau on November 09, 2008 2:30 PM said...

Genn looks darn cute!


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